Reglas ES
Lee el reglamento de Twitch y los terminos de servicio de Twitch
Se permite multilenguaje en el chat siempre que no sea SPAM, pero contesto lento en otros idiomas porque uso traductor // Multilanguage is allowed in the chat as long as it is not SPAM, but I answer slowly in other languages because I use a translator
Respeta, sin pasar límites
No compartir información personal, ni de funas, spoilers o polémicas
No spam/flood malicioso, spam de un mensaje, spam de otros canales ni spam de @ a nadie, tampoco spam/promo indirecto/directo o mención de otro creador sí Ny no ha pedido o dicho algo al respecto
No pedir colab, raid o promo o que Ny revise mensajes durante el directo, tiene DM Abierto en sus redes sociales, Discord y correo de contacto, contestará tan pronto pueda
No ser insistente sí ya se dio una respuesta
Sí te aburre o no te gusta el contenido de Ny: No estás obligado/a a ver, no arruines el ambiente y retírate
Está prohibido el backseating, única excepción cuando Ny pide ayuda explicitamente, no preguntas al aire
Reglas Comando TTS !dice
Estas reglas solo aplican al TTS del comando y no el de Bits
Solo para decirles cosas a Ny, sin interrumpirla en una conversación o lectura, está prohibido usarlo durante cinemáticas
A veces está en modo "Solo Ny lo escucha" así que se debe moderar el lenguaje y no usar malas palabras
Evita hacer spam con el comando
Cualquier duda, pregunta o sugerencia con mis mods
Rules EN
Read the Twitch Rules and Twitch Terms of Service
Multilanguage is allowed in the chat as long as it is not SPAM, but I answer slowly in other languages because I use a translator
Respect, without going beyond limits
Do not share personal information, fun, spoilers or controversies
No spam/malicious flood, spam from a message, spam from other channels or spam from @ to anyone, no indirect/direct spam/promo or mention of another creator yes Ny has not asked or said anything about it
Do not ask for collaboration, raid or promo or for Ny to review messages during the live, he has an Open DM on his social networks, Discord and contact email, he will respond as soon as he can
Don't be pushy if an answer has already been given
If you are bored or do not like Ny's content: You are not obliged to watch, do not ruin the atmosphere and leave
Rules TTS Command !dice
These rules only apply to the TTS of the command and not the Bits
Just to say things to Ny, without interrupting her in a conversation or reading, it is prohibited to use it during cutscenes
Sometimes he is in "Only Ny listens to him" mode so you should moderate your language and not use bad words
Avoid spamming the command
Any doubt, question or suggestion with my moderators*